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Version 4.2.0 to 4.6.4

What's New

  • GET /white_label Get all available white labels.
  • POST /white_label Upload an image
  • GET /white_label/{white_label_name} Get white label with specific Name.
  • DELETE /white_label/{white_label_name} Delete a white label from DB.
  • GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/nodes/{node_id}/unconfigured_disks Get a nodes' unconfigured disks.
  • PUT /clusters/{cluster_id}/nodes/{node_id}/unconfigured_disks/{disk_id}/initialise Initialise an unconfigured disk.
  • GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/nodes/{node_id}/validate_deletion Get a validation if node removal is possible.
  • PUT /clusters/{cluster_id}/nodes/{node_id}/action Do a node action .
  • DELETE /clusters/{cluster_id}/nodes/{node_id} Delete the specified node.
  • GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/unconfigured_disks Get a cluster's unconfigured disks
  • POST /clusters/{cluster_id}/support_session/opt_out Enable the opt-out of the support session of a cluster.
  • DELETE /clusters/{cluster_id}/support_session/opt_out Disable the opt-out of the support session of a cluster.
  • GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/datastores Get a list of the cluster's datastores
  • POST /clusters/{cluster_id}/datastores Create new datastore in a cluster.
  • GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/vdisks Get the list the cluster's vdisks
  • GET /providers/{provider_id}/region/{region}/availability_zone/{zone}/instance_types Get a list of the supported instance types of the provider for the specified region and availability zone.

  • GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/dhcp_subnets Get the list the cluster's DHCP Subnets

  • POST /clusters/{cluster_id}/dhcp_subnets Create new DHCP Subnet in a cluster.
  • GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/dhcp_subnets/{dhcp_subnet_id} Get a DHCP Subnet of a cluster.
  • DELETE /clusters/{cluster_id}/dhcp_subnets/{dhcp_subnet_id} Delete a DHCP Subnet from a cluster.
  • GET /instances/{instance_id}/resize/flavors Get the available flavors for instance resize
  • GET /instances/{instance_id}/resize/datastores Get the available datastores for instance resize
  • PUT /instances/{instance_id}/resize Resize the specified instance.
  • PUT /instances/{instance_id}/rename Rename a specific instance.
  • POST /instances/{instance_id}/interfaces/{interface_id} Attach a network to an Instance.
  • DELETE /instances/{instance_id}/interfaces/{interface_id} Detach a network interface from an Instance.
  • PUT /instances/refresh_external_dhcp_server_ips Refresh DHCP server IPs for all sim's Instances.
  • PUT /clusters/{cluster_id}/instances/refresh_external_dhcp_server_ips Refresh DHCP server IPs for a cluster's Instances.
  • PUT /instances/{instance_id}/migrate/nexvisors Get valid nodes for a specific instance migration.
  • PUT /instances/{instance_id}/migrate Migrate a specific instance.
  • GET /recipes/execution_status Get status SIM's services for Ansible-playbook execution.
  • GET /recipes/repositories Get all available recipe templates repositories.
  • POST /recipes/repositories Create a new recipe template repository.
  • DELETE /recipes/repositories/{recipe_template_repo_id} Delete recipe template repo.
  • PUT /recipes/repositories/{recipe_template_repo_id}/enable Enable a recipe template repo.
  • PUT /recipes/repositories/{recipe_template_repo_id}/disable Disable a recipe template repo.
  • POST /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/clone Clone an existing recipe template.
  • POST /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/clone/name Get a name proposal for a clone of an existing recipe template.
  • POST /recipes/templates/upload Upload a recipe template.
  • POST /recipes/templates/files/upload Upload a recipe template's file.
  • PUT /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/hide Hide an existing recipe template.
  • PUT /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/unhide Unhide an existing recipe template.
  • PUT /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/export Export a recipe template.
  • GET /recipes/templates/roles/{role}/permissions Get a recipe templates' permissions for a specific role.
  • PUT /recipes/templates/roles/{role}/permissions Edit recipe templates' permissions for a specific role.
  • GET /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/roles/{role}/permissions Get a recipe template's permissions for a specific role.
  • PUT /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/roles/{role}/permissions Edit a recipe template's permissions for a specific role.
  • GET /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/resources_validate Validate recipe template's required resources.
  • POST /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/files/ Create a new empty recipe template file.
  • PUT /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/files/sync Update/rebuild the recipe template files DB table based on the file system contents.
  • GET /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/files/{file_id} Get content of a specific recipe template file.
  • PUT /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/files/{file_id} Update name and content of a recipe template file.
  • DELETE /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/files/{file_id} Delete a recipe template's file.
  • PATCH /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/files/{file_id}/name Rename recipe template file name.
  • PATCH /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/files/{file_id}/content Update recipe template file content.
  • POST /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/image Upload recipe template's image.
  • DELETE /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/image Delete recipe template's image.
  • GET /date_and_time Retrieves the date and time of the system.
  • PUT /date_and_time/ntp_server/enable Enable NTPD service
  • PUT /date_and_time/ntp_server/disable Disable NTPD service
  • GET /date_and_time/timezones Retrieves the available timezones of the system.
  • PUT /date_and_time/timezones Set the timezone of the system.
  • GET /date_and_time/ntp_servers Retrieve the configure ntp servers of the system.
  • PUT /date_and_time/ntp_servers Set a new pool of ntp servers.
  • POST /clusters/{cluster_id}/vdisks/{vdisk_id}/templatenew Create a template from a vdisk.
  • GET /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/instancemoves/{move_id} Get the specified move of an instance.
  • POST /recipes/templates Create a new recipe template.
  • PUT /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id} Edit a recipe template.
  • DELETE /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id} Delete a specific recipe template.

What's Deprecated

  • POST /clusters/{cluster_id}/support_session/ipt_out Enable the opt-out of the support session of a cluster.
  • DELETE /clusters/{cluster_id}/support_session/ipt_out Disable the opt-out of the support session of a cluster.
  • GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/datastores' Get the list the cluster's datastores
  • POST /clusters/{cluster_id}/datastores' Create new datastore in a cluster.
  • GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/vdisks' Get the list the cluster's vdisks
  • GET /providers/{provider_id}/region/{region}/instance_types Get a list of the supported instance types of the provider for the specified region.
  • PUT /clusters/{cluster_id}/vdisks/{vdisk_id}/templatenew Create a template from a vdisk.

What's Changed

POST /clusters Create connection with an existing Cluster.

Return Type

    Insert status
    Insert vm_node_types.volumes
    Delete state

GET /clusters Get all available clusters.
Return Type

    Insert status
    Insert vm_node_types.volumes
    Delete state

GET /clusters/{cluster_id} Get a cluster with specific ID.
Return Type

    Insert status
    Insert vm_node_types.volumes
    Delete state

POST /clusters/create Create A new AWS hosted cluster.

    Insert cluster.availability_zone
    Insert cluster.vm_node_types.volumes
Return Type

    Insert status
    Insert vm_node_types.volumes
    Delete state

GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/cores Get a cluster's cores
Return Type

    Delete is_reserved

GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/disks Get a cluster's disks

    Add include_uninitialized_disks //When this parameter is true, all disks ( initialised and un -initialised ) are returned.
Return Type

    Insert reserved //If it is true then the disk is reserved by the controller's virtual disk.
    Delete is_up //If it is true then the disk is enabled

DELETE /clusters/{cluster_id}/support_session Delete a cluster's support session
Return Type

    Delete id
    Delete created_at //The creation time of the support session.
    Delete port //The port number of the support server.
    Delete state //The state of support session (active or inactive)
    Delete is_opt_out //True if the opt-out of the support session is enabled, otherwise false.

PUT /clusters/{cluster_id}/datastores/{datastore_id} Edit a datastore.

    Insert datastore.disks //The physical disks in IDs that the datastore will include.

    Insert datastore.replicas //This represents the number of the replicas we want for the stored data.

It needs to be at least 1.

    Modify datastore.has_db_metadata //A description for the datastore
Return Type

    Insert disks.reserved //If it is true then the disk is reserved by the controller's virtual disk.
    Delete disks.is_up //If it is true then the disk is enabled

GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/datastores/{datastore_id} Get a datastore of a cluster.
Return Type

    Insert disks.reserved //If it is true then the disk is reserved by the controller's virtual disk.
    Delete disks.is_up //If it is true then the disk is enabled

GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/datastores/{datastore_id}/disks Get the disks of a specific datastore.
Return Type

    Insert reserved //If it is true then the disk is reserved by the controller's virtual disk.
    Delete is_up //If it is true then the disk is enabled

GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/vdisks/{vdisk_id} Get a vdisk of a cluster.
Return Type

    Insert primary_nodes
    Insert primary_flags
    Delete master_nodes
    Delete master_flags

PUT /clusters/{cluster_id}/vdisks/{vdisk_id}/rename/{new_vdisk_name} Edit a vdisk's name.
Return Type

    Insert primary_nodes
    Insert primary_flags
    Delete master_nodes
    Delete master_flags

POST /clusters/{cluster_id}/resource_groups Create new resource group in a cluster.
Return Type

    Insert reason_not_compatible
    Delete is_reserved

GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/resource_groups Get resource groups of a cluster.
Return Type

    Insert reason_not_compatible
    Delete is_reserved

GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/resource_groups/{resource_group_id} Get a resource group of a cluster.
Return Type

    Insert reason_not_compatible
    Delete is_reserved

GET /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/public_ips Get a the allocated public IPs of a resource group.

    Add available_ips //Set this parameter to true to get only all available public IPs. In case that it is set to false, all public IPs are returned.

GET /resource_groups Get a list of the available resource groups.
Return Type

    Insert reason_not_compatible
    Delete is_reserved

PUT /resource_groups/{resource_group_id} Edit an existing resource group.

    resource group Notes The resource group to create. change into The resource group to edit.
Return Type

    Insert reason_not_compatible
    Delete is_reserved

GET /resource_groups/{resource_group_id} Get the specified resource group.
Return Type

    Insert reason_not_compatible
    Delete is_reserved

GET /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/datastores Get all the datastores of a resource group.
Return Type

    Insert disks.reserved //If it is true then the disk is reserved by the controller's virtual disk.
    Delete disks.is_up //If it is true then the disk is enabled

GET /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/datastores/{datastore_id} Get a datastore of a resource group.
Return Type

    Insert disks.reserved //If it is true then the disk is reserved by the controller's virtual disk.
    Delete disks.is_up //If it is true then the disk is enabled

GET /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/cores Get all the cores of a resource group.
Return Type

    Delete is_reserved

GET /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/cores/{core_id} Get a core of a resource group.
Return Type

    Delete is_reserved

DELETE /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/pcidevs/{pcidev_id} Remove a PCI device from a resource group.

    pcidev_id Notes The core id. change into The pcidev id.
    Modify pcidev_id //The pcidev id.

PUT /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/pcidevs/{pcidev_id} Add a PCI device to a resource group.

    pcidev_id Notes The core id. change into The pcidev id.
    Modify pcidev_id //The pcidev id.

GET /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/pcidevs/{pcidev_id} Get a PCI device of a resource group.

    pcidev_id Notes The core id. change into The pcidev id.
    Modify pcidev_id //The pcidev id.

POST /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/instances Create a new instance in a resource group.

    Insert instance.root_disk_gb
    Insert instance.extra_disk_1_gb
    Insert instance.extra_disk_2_gb
    Insert instance.memory_mb
    Insert instance.vcpus
    Insert instance.networks.network_name
    Insert instance.networks.is_hidden
    Delete instance.networks.interface_id

GET /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/instances Get all available instances of a resource group.
Return Type

    Insert image_id
    Insert disk_format
    Insert min_ram_gb
    Insert min_disk_gb
    Insert os_distro
    Insert os_version
    Insert architecture
    Insert has_cloudinit
    Insert vm_type
    Insert networks.network_name
    Insert networks.is_hidden
    Delete networks.interface_id

PUT /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/instances/{instance_id}/{action} Apply action to specific instance.
Return Type

    Insert image_id
    Insert disk_format
    Insert min_ram_gb
    Insert min_disk_gb
    Insert os_distro
    Insert os_version
    Insert architecture
    Insert has_cloudinit
    Insert vm_type
    Insert networks.network_name
    Insert networks.is_hidden
    Delete networks.interface_id

GET /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/instances/{instance_id} Get a specific instance's details of a resource group.
Return Type

    Insert image_id
    Insert disk_format
    Insert min_ram_gb
    Insert min_disk_gb
    Insert os_distro
    Insert os_version
    Insert architecture
    Insert has_cloudinit
    Insert vm_type
    Insert networks.network_name
    Insert networks.is_hidden
    Delete networks.interface_id

PUT /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/instances/{instance_id}/resize Resize the specified instance.

    Insert instanceResize.root_disk_gb
    Insert instanceResize.extra_disk_1_gb
    Insert instanceResize.extra_disk_2_gb
    Insert instanceResize.memory_mb
    Insert instanceResize.vcpus

PUT /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/instances/{instance_id}/attach_cdrom Attach a CD ROM to the specified instance.
Return Type

    Insert image_id
    Insert disk_format
    Insert min_ram_gb
    Insert min_disk_gb
    Insert os_distro
    Insert os_version
    Insert architecture
    Insert has_cloudinit
    Insert vm_type
    Insert networks.network_name
    Insert networks.is_hidden
    Delete networks.interface_id

PUT /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/instances/{instance_id}/detach_cdrom Detach a CD ROM from the specified instance.
Return Type

    Insert image_id
    Insert disk_format
    Insert min_ram_gb
    Insert min_disk_gb
    Insert os_distro
    Insert os_version
    Insert architecture
    Insert has_cloudinit
    Insert vm_type
    Insert networks.network_name
    Insert networks.is_hidden
    Delete networks.interface_id

POST /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/instances/{instance_id}/pcidevs Attach PCI devices to the specified instance.
Return Type

    Insert image_id
    Insert disk_format
    Insert min_ram_gb
    Insert min_disk_gb
    Insert os_distro
    Insert os_version
    Insert architecture
    Insert has_cloudinit
    Insert vm_type
    Insert networks.network_name
    Insert networks.is_hidden
    Delete networks.interface_id

DELETE /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/instances/{instance_id}/pcidevs Detach PCI devices from the specified instance.
Return Type

    Insert image_id
    Insert disk_format
    Insert min_ram_gb
    Insert min_disk_gb
    Insert os_distro
    Insert os_version
    Insert architecture
    Insert has_cloudinit
    Insert vm_type
    Insert networks.network_name
    Insert networks.is_hidden
    Delete networks.interface_id

PUT /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/instances/{instance_id}/move Move the specified instance to another Cluster.

    Insert instanceMove.dest_networks.network_name
    Insert instanceMove.dest_networks.is_hidden
    Delete instanceMove.dest_networks.interface_id

GET /instances Get all available instances.

    Add cluster_id //One or more cluster IDs to filter instances from.
Return Type

    Insert image_id
    Insert disk_format
    Insert min_ram_gb
    Insert min_disk_gb
    Insert os_distro
    Insert os_version
    Insert architecture
    Insert has_cloudinit
    Insert vm_type
    Insert networks.network_name
    Insert networks.is_hidden
    Delete networks.interface_id

GET /instances/{instance_id} Get a specific instance's details.
Return Type

    Insert image_id
    Insert disk_format
    Insert min_ram_gb
    Insert min_disk_gb
    Insert os_distro
    Insert os_version
    Insert architecture
    Insert has_cloudinit
    Insert vm_type
    Insert networks.network_name
    Insert networks.is_hidden
    Delete networks.interface_id

PUT /instances/{instance_id}/{action} Apply action to specific instance.
Return Type

    Insert image_id
    Insert disk_format
    Insert min_ram_gb
    Insert min_disk_gb
    Insert os_distro
    Insert os_version
    Insert architecture
    Insert has_cloudinit
    Insert vm_type
    Insert networks.network_name
    Insert networks.is_hidden
    Delete networks.interface_id

PUT /instances/{instance_id}/move Move the specified instance to another Cluster.

    Insert instanceMove.dest_networks.network_name
    Insert instanceMove.dest_networks.is_hidden
    Delete instanceMove.dest_networks.interface_id

GET /recipes/templates Get all available recipe templates.
Return Type

    Insert is_reserved
    Insert is_hidden
    Insert created_by
    Insert logo
    Insert recipe_template_image
    Insert recipe_template_permissions
    Delete has_changed

POST /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id} Create new instance(s) based on the specific recipe template.

    Add single_ansible_run //It runs one Docker-ansible for all created recipes.
    Insert InputResources.clusters_infrastructure
    Delete InputResources.cluster_infrastructure

GET /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id} Get a specific recipe template.
Return Type

    Insert is_reserved
    Insert is_hidden
    Insert created_by
    Insert logo
    Insert recipe_template_image
    Insert recipe_template_permissions
    Delete has_changed

POST /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/cluster_rg Create a cluster and resource group for a specific recipe template.

    Add ClusterInfrastructure //The parameters for creating the new instance(s).
    Delete ClusterInstrastructure //The parameters for creating the new instance(s).

GET /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/compatible_assets Get a specific recipe template's compatible assets.
Return Type

    Insert clusters.resource_groups.reason_not_compatible
    Delete clusters.resource_groups.is_reserved