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Version 4.6.4 to 4.8.0

What's New

  • GET /get_map_keys Get a map keys for cluster location.
  • GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/disks/{disk_id}/initialized Get an initialized disk details.
  • PUT /clusters/{cluster_id}/location Change the specified cluster's location.
  • GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/nodes/{node_id}/resource_groups Get a node's RG's that this node has at least one core on it.
  • GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/nodes/{node_id}/instances Get a node's instances that have at least one of the parameters (Node/FT_Node) on the specific node.
  • GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/pltdevs Get all the Platform devices of a resource group.
  • GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/pcidevs Get all the PCI devs of a cluster.
  • GET /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/pltdevs Get all the Platform devices of a resource group.
  • GET /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/pltdevs/{pltdev_id} Get a platform device of a resource group.
  • PUT /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/pltdevs/{pltdev_id} Add a platform device to a resource group.
  • DELETE /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/pltdevs/{pltdev_id} Remove a Platform device from a resource group.
  • POST /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/instances/{instance_id}/pltdevs Attach Platform devices to the specified instance.
  • DELETE /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/instances/{instance_id}/pltdevs Detach platform devices from the specified instance.
  • POST /instances/{instance_id}/pcidevs Attach the pcidevs to the specified instance.
  • DELETE /instances/{instance_id}/pcidevs Detach PCIDevice from Instance
  • PUT /insatnces/{instance_id}/pltdevs/{pltdev_id} Add a platform device to an instance.
  • DELETE /insatnces/{instance_id}/pltdevs/{pltdev_id} Remove a Platform device from an instance.
  • PUT /recipes/templates/update Update all recipe templates.
  • POST /recipes/installed/{recipe_template_id}/installed_templates/{new_recipe_template_id} Re-execute a recipe in a groups of VMs that exist from a previous recipe execution.
  • GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/nodes/{node_id} Get a cluster's node with specified id.

What's Deprecated

What's Changed

GET /users Get all available users.
Return Type

    Modify page_access //This is about accessing UI pages. Depends if user has role admin or not.

GET /users/{user_id} Get user with specific ID.
Return Type

    Modify page_access //This is about accessing UI pages. Depends if user has role admin or not.

GET /roles/{role_id}/available_users/assign Get users available to assign a role.
Return Type

    Modify page_access //This is about accessing UI pages. Depends if user has role admin or not.

GET /roles/{role_id}/available_users/deassign Get users available to deassign from a role.
Return Type

    Modify page_access //This is about accessing UI pages. Depends if user has role admin or not.

GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/nodes/{node_id}/unconfigured_disks Get a nodes' unconfigured disks.

    Modify node_id //The node id.

PUT /clusters/{cluster_id}/nodes/{node_id}/unconfigured_disks/{disk_id}/initialise Initialise an unconfigured disk.

    Modify node_id //The node id.

GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/resource_groups Get resource groups of a cluster.
Return Type

    Insert pltdevs

POST /clusters/{cluster_id}/resource_groups Create new resource group in a cluster.

    Insert resource group.pcidev_ids
    Insert resource group.pltdev_ids
    Delete resource group.pcidevs_ids
Return Type

    Insert pltdevs

GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/resource_groups/{resource_group_id} Get a resource group of a cluster.
Return Type

    Insert pltdevs

GET /clusters/{cluster_id}/saus/messages Get all available SAUS messages for a specified cluster.
Return Type

    Insert update_reboot
    Insert can_shut_down_vms

PUT /clusters/{cluster_id}/saus/messages/{message_id} Change the read status of the specified SAUS message.
Return Type

    Insert update_reboot
    Insert can_shut_down_vms

PUT /clusters/{cluster_id}/saus/messages/{message_id}/install Install the specified SAUS message.

    Add force //Set this parameter to true so the update will forcefully shut down all active VMs
Return Type

    Insert update_reboot
    Insert can_shut_down_vms

PUT /clusters/{cluster_id}/saus/messages/{message_id}/download Download the specified SAUS message.
Return Type

    Insert update_reboot
    Insert can_shut_down_vms

GET /clusters/saus/messages Get all available SAUS messages for multiple clusters.
Return Type

    Insert update_reboot
    Insert can_shut_down_vms

PUT /clusters/saus/messages Change the read status of multiple SAUS messages.
Return Type

    Insert update_reboot
    Insert can_shut_down_vms

PUT /clusters/saus/messages/{message_id}/install Install the specified SAUS messages.

    Add force //Set this parameter to true so the update will forcefully shut down all active VMs
Return Type

    Insert update_reboot
    Insert can_shut_down_vms

PUT /clusters/saus/messages/{message_id}/download Download the specified SAUS messages.
Return Type

    Insert update_reboot
    Insert can_shut_down_vms

GET /resource_groups Get a list of the available resource groups.
Return Type

    Insert pltdevs

GET /resource_groups/{resource_group_id} Get the specified resource group.
Return Type

    Insert pltdevs

PUT /resource_groups/{resource_group_id} Edit an existing resource group.

    Insert resource group.pcidev_ids
    Insert resource group.pltdev_ids
    Delete resource group.pcidevs_ids
Return Type

    Insert pltdevs

GET /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/pcidevs Get all the PCI devices of a resource group.

    Add state //Filter PCI devs based on their state.

POST /resource_groups/{resource_group_id}/instances Create a new instance in a resource group.

    Insert instance.pltdev_id
    Modify instance.pcidev_id

GET /recipes/templates/{recipe_template_id}/compatible_assets Get a specific recipe template's compatible assets.
Return Type

    Insert clusters.resource_groups.pltdevs